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4imprint employee Carrie

with 4imprint
19 years


Find just the right healthcare promotions for your wellness event! The best way to stay in their memories is with useful health and wellness items.

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4 Product(s) Found

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4 Product(s) Found

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Oval Pill Box - Opaque

Oval Pill Box - Opaque

Prices from $0.52 to $0.87

Order as few as 250

Ships within 3 days.*

Item #120876-S

Average rating of 3.9 out of 5 stars


Signature Soft Toothbrush - Junior

Signature Soft Toothbrush - Junior

Prices from $0.68 to $1.25

Order as few as 250

Ships within 5 days.*

Item #153527-J

Average rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars


All-Week Pillbox

All-Week Pillbox

Prices from $0.72 to $1.25

Order as few as 250

Ships within 5 days.*

Item #7216

Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars


Signature Soft Toothbrush - Adult

Signature Soft Toothbrush - Adult

Prices from $0.77 to $1.37

Order as few as 250

Ships within 5 days.*

Item #153527-A

Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars


Health promotions showcasing your logo offer your audience a helping hand toward a healthier life! Promotional pill boxes and medicine spoons become reliable tools in their medicine cabinets and keep your contact information easily accessible should a health matter arise. Outfit medical staff at your practice with customized stethoscope accessories promoting healthcare awareness issues. Healthcare promotions for patients or clinic staff can foster a deeper trust and improve relationships during each routine visit!

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