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4imprint employee Barb

with 4imprint
20 years

Magnet Clips

Promotional magnet clips keep notes, receipts and important papers handy on a fridge or metal filing cabinet! Hand out shaped power clips with your logo as low-cost swag for your next event!

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8 Product(s) Found

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8 Product(s) Found

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Clawpop Bottle Opener Magnet Clip

Clawpop Bottle Opener Magnet Clip

Prices from $0.99 to $1.99

Order as few as 100

Ships within 5 days.*

Item #154826

Average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars


Keep-it Magnet Clip - House - Translucent

Keep-it Magnet Clip - House - Translucent

Prices from $0.92 to $1.59

Order as few as 250

Ships within 3 days.*

Item #122529-HO-T

Average rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars


Keep-it Magnet Clip - House - Opaque

Keep-it Magnet Clip - House - Opaque

Prices from $0.92 to $1.59

Order as few as 250

Ships within 3 days.*

Item #122529-HO-S

Average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars


Clawpop Bottle Opener Magnet Clip - Full Color

Clawpop Bottle Opener Magnet Clip - Full Color

Prices from $1.52 to $2.69

Order as few as 100

Ships within 5 days.*

Item #154826-FC

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Keep-it Magnet Clip - House - Opaque - 24 hr

Keep-it Magnet Clip - House - Opaque - 24 hr

Prices from $1.35 to $1.59

Order as few as 250

Ships within 1 day.*

Item #122529-HO-S-24HR

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Clawpop Bottle Opener Magnet Clip - 24 hr

Clawpop Bottle Opener Magnet Clip - 24 hr

Prices from $1.62 to $1.99

Order as few as 100

Ships within 1 day.*

Item #154826-24HR

Clawpop Bottle Opener Magnet Clip - Full Color - 24 hr

Clawpop Bottle Opener Magnet Clip - Full Color - 24 hr

Prices from $1.99 to $2.69

Order as few as 100

Ships within 1 day.*

Item #154826-FC-24HR

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Keep-it Magnet Clip - House - Translucent - 24 hr

Keep-it Magnet Clip - House - Translucent - 24 hr

Prices from $1.35 to $1.59

Order as few as 250

Ships within 1 day.*

Item #122529-HO-T-24HR

Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars


Imprinted clips, including our star Power Clip, knock promotions out of the park with strong, useful appeal! Stick up magnetic clips to refrigerators, file cabinets, work benches and anywhere else you can think of to make following instructions and leaving notes a hands-free ordeal. Grab some custom clips for your giveaway and get a firm grip on your promotional objectives!

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