Get your brand in the game using sports giveaways
By Suzanne Worwood
3 min read
Posted: June 16, 2023
Sports are universal. They bring people together, provide entertainment, promote physical activity and encourage teamwork. A whopping 70% of Americans consider themselves to be sports fans opens in new window, and 21% consider themselves to be avid ones. Your brand can get in on the action with these fun ways to support athletics, plus sports giveaway ideas.
Sponsor a team
Team sponsorships are a great way to show support for community sports. They also provide the unique opportunity to share your brand with countless players, spectators and other people who aren’t normally part of your audience. Get your brand seen at every game by providing teams with caps and T-shirts imprinted with your logo. Provide players with a fun, branded hashtag to use when they post about their wins, losses or post-game gathering.
Many sponsorships come with additional perks. Does your organization get complimentary game tickets? Keep the goodwill going by giving them to valued clients and staff as a token of appreciation. Is your organization given advertising opportunities at the game? Imprint outdoor banners and floor stickers with your logo, plus a message cheering on your sponsored team.
Coach a league
Many sports leagues would cease to exist without the hard work and dedication of volunteer coaches. Show your support for these invaluable mentors by encouraging staff to donate their time to coach a sports team. Allow participating team members to head out a little early on game day so they have time to gather necessary equipment, rally their team and hold a quick practice.
Lend a helping hand while getting your brand in on the fun when you give volunteer coaches a tailgater trunk cooler, perfect for organizing gear, snacks and more. And show team support by providing athletes with an ID sport bottle. Help coaches look the part by providing them with a branded coaches jacket and whistle. Bonus—the whistle lights up for extra attention at nighttime games.
Hand out sports swag
Everyone loves going to a game and getting free merch. And your brand will love the exposure it gets when you hand out these fun sports giveaways at every game.
Branded noise sticks help fans cheer on their favorite athletes or distract the opposing team! A colorful cheer banner is a great way for spectators to show their team spirit while getting the eyes of an entire stadium on your logo. Add an interactive element by leaving some white space on one side of the banner so fans can create their own custom message.
Watching sports is exciting for all ages. But watching sports while eating delicious snacks is the ultimate goal. Draw a crowd with the irresistible smell of freshly popped popcorn served up in a classic branded popcorn box. Want to make lifelong fans of your brand? Hand out baseball snack tubes filled with nostalgic ball game classics, like Cracker Jack®, Big League Chew® and peanuts.
Donate to a good cause
Not everyone has the time available to coach a team or hand out swag at a ball game. But your brand can still be part of the fun by donating to a good cause. Reach out to your local YMCA®, recreation department or youth sports clubs, and ask them how your brand can help support athletics in your community or beyond.
Can you donate to a campaign to raise money for new equipment? Maybe you can provide teams with necessities like balls, towels or first aid kits. Or perhaps you can show support and goodwill by providing players with a branded drawstring sportpack. Any amount of support is sure to be appreciated.
Sports giveaway ideas to get in on the fun
Whether you sponsor a team, coach a league, hand out sports giveaways or make a donation, your organization can show its team spirit and support.